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BrightSign Interface Products

For 'Series 3' BrightSign Units w/USB or Serial Port


RS232-20x20-DMX Interface

16 Input, 16 Output DMX (USB or TTL Serial)



When any input goes low (button input), then a string is sent to the BrightSign

The strings are:

Note: In BrightAuthor set the Serial I/O to ASCII.  Baud Setting: 38400,N,8,1 (No parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit)

Note: If using the Stereo Connector, be sure to select 'inverted serial' when setting up the serial port

Description of Operation:
This board is used to interface to a BrightSign with Serial or USB port. 

Serial Transmission 'Break' Protocol:  The serial port (BrightSign) has to allow 20 milliseconds to elapse between serial data 'bursts' going out.  This 20 millisecond 'rest' time is interpreted by the HMS board as a 'Break' in serial transmission.  This 'Break' condition synchronizes the HMS board to the serial transmissions from the BrightSign (or other device).

Controlling the board:  This boards uses the 'HMS Command Protocol'.  Commands are listed here.  For 'Not HMS Protocol' see the information below under Options.  Note: This HMS Protocol is valid for Firmware version 5.0 and up.

Version 6.x firmware has Dual Baud Rate Selection (38,400 or 115,200)


Outputs are 'ON' or 'OFF'.  To set the byte for the output use the following table and add the decimal numbers to get the desired results.  I.E. If you want output 1 and 8 on, add 1 to 128 = 129.  Sending 129 sets output 1 and 8 on.  The same scheme is used to set port2 (outputs 9-16) and port3 (outputs 17-20).  Sending a zero for a port value turns the outputs for that port off.

Outputs: Connect Loads between 'Output' and +V.


*********Output Control Commands (Lights):

        Commands 3-15 Reserved for future

*********DMX SPECIFIC COMMANDS 16-26, and 31

*********Play/Record and Other 'Scene' Commands 32-35

Link to 'Scene Format (Protocol)'

********Miscellaneous Commands (Useful for Development)

Note: The brackets are not part of the command byte sequence.

Here are some useful files for helping with testing or setting up the board.

Diskette DMX_Demo.AVI (84 mega byte movie demo)                  Diskette 6MB (requires Quicktime)    Link: Setting up the Serial Port and Sending Bytes with 'BrightAuthor'.

DisketteHMS-RS232-DMX.brs (sequences channels 1 thru 4). Rename this file to 'autorun.brs' and put it on the SD card


Options: (SW1)(Firmware 6.x)

Not HMS Protocol:

The first byte 'value byte' received sets output port1 (outputs 1-8), the second byte received sets output port2 (outputs 9-16).  Each byte after byte 2 is sent to the DMX channels.
I.E. Send this byte sequence [1,128,255,0,64,128] and this is the results:

Note: If you can't 'Invert Serial Signals' order the -P version of the board (using a newer processor with polarity control of the TTL-Serial Port).

Last Revised: 03/02/2024